Welcome to the High School Youth Confirmation preparation program at
St. Philip of Jesus!
We are looking forward to sharing with you this two year journey of faith as you prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. As you will know, Confirmation preparation involves learning, sharing, serving, fellowship, spiritual growth and fun! You will be given the opportunity to learn more about your Catholic faith and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Confirmation is a sacrament of initiation which completes Baptism through sealing in the Holy Spirit.
Preparation for Confirmation is a two year process (grades 9 through 12) which involves service to the church and the community, attendance of Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation, and Youth Ministry (Youth Group).
Year 1 (9 grade - 11 grade) : Students learn about the faith while traveling through the timeline of Scripture and salvation history.
Year 2 (10 grade - 12 grade): Students focus on the teachings of the Church and how to live out their faith in the world as disciples of Jesus Christ.
Confirmation Year I and Year II: Retreats provide a unique opportunity for the candidates to spend an extended time in discernment and reflect on the gifts of the Spirit and reflect on their relationship with God and their faith life. It is therefore required that each candidate attend the Confirmation Retreat in both years. We ask that you make it a priority in your schedule. Year I retreat will be in the fall and Year II will be in the Spring.
“As the primary educators of their children: parents are to be intimately involved in the catechesis for Confirmation. This will help them renew and strengthen their own faith, besides enabling them to set a better example for their children.”(NCD, no. 119)
All parents are expected to:
For more information contact the Religious Education office, 713-672-8825 or via email; [email protected].