Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is a two-year process. Typically, this process begins with 1st grade where the child receives the first year of foundational catechesis. However, we recognize that sometimes this is not always the case. Therefore, a child who is in 2nd grade and older and is need of these sacraments will begin the two-year process at their grade level with their peers.
Faith Formation and Sacramental Preparation require certain sacrifices. These sacrifices remind us how important the sacraments are, and how building the Kingdom of God requires a mature, sacrificial commitment for the sake of the Gospel. The catechists who prepare children for the sacraments make sacrifices of time, activities, and energy; we ask our families to make certain sacrifices and commitments to make sure their children have a meaningful experience as they celebrate the sacraments.
The following Family Commitments are required for adequate sacrament preparation:
For more information, please contact the Religious Education office, phone 713-672-8825 o via-email, [email protected].