Ministry of Altar Servers –
Norms & Guidelines Altar Servers
for Saint Philip of Jesus Parish
Being an altar server is a sacred privilege and an exceptional responsibility. The Altar Server guidelines outline the policies for altar servers, and the expectations of you and how we serve Mass here at St. Philip of Jesus Parish.
+ Wait for the priest at the entry to the church. And once you process into Mass, please--NO TALKING DURING MASS. Always have your hands joined.
+ Don't start heading up the aisle until the priest tells you to or gives you a signal. Once you arrive at the sanctuary, genuflect if you are not carrying anything.
+ If you are carrying a candle, bow your head before the altar being very careful not to tilt the candle forward. Next proceed to your seat, where you should stand.
Remember, be responsible.
First, the priest depends on you. He needs to know that you will be there on time. He needs to know that you are prepared. You help him a great deal to ensure that things go smoothly.
Second, the congregation counts on you. Without you, an essential part of payer leadership is missing. Without you, things can get sloppy. A good server keeps things going smoothly.
And be calm. You have been called to serve. St. Philip of Jesus is grateful that you have responded to this call with a real sense of dedication to service.
Thank you for all you do for this very important ministry.